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God has given me more visions just on this trip probably, than the rest of my life combined.
— ” And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, you old men shall dream dreams, and your YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS” — Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17
Now some of these were in a stat of “daydreaming” as some would call it, and others were thought processes for passions God has put on my heart, unfolding as plans for the future…
I have narrowed it down to just 6 that I will write chronologically. These I would deem the most important to me right now, this might be long…
I went to Stratford High School in Houston, Texas. I would say looking back, out of 2,000 people I had quite a few friends. I love people. We all know the groups of friends in high school: the jocks and cheerleaders, “nerds”, band and theater, “popular kids”, “weird” kids, “smokers” or “potheads”. It’s safe for me to say I was not clearly labeled as any of those because my friend group was a piece from each of these groups. But people will always have an opinion of you, as you have one for yourself.
In the midst of my struggles at home leading me to off and on depression, loneliness, anger, and confusion; while also balancing schoolwork and friends (failing miserably all the time). An old thing emerged, as old as I could remember and then some. 
Laying in bed at 4 years old oblivious to life struggles, reading a storybook devotional with my mom… at the end loving to pray to God for my mom before bed.
So around 9th grad, after going to church all my life, it gets real as some people (that God put there) start challenging my relationship with God, which was stretched, spit on, and faded, but not even close to gone. 
This started me on the hardest, most difficult, challenging, rewarding, fulfilling amazing journey — that I’m still on now with God. It led me to a radically changed lifestyle, revealing some difficult truths about myself and a lot of healing.
As I said before others will have opinions about me, which creates a deep wound quickly for most kids/students. But what I thought matters most was my opinion of myself, but even that is wrong.
— “The most important thing about us is what we think about God” – A.W. Tozer
And what God thought about me was not only more important than what others thought about me, but more important than what I thought about myself. Which is where I’m headed to.
I was leading some worship at the bottom of the stairs, with a group at lunch. As they all left, I had an overwhelming Vision as I was praying for revival at my school, for my school ( already doing things radically different, huh?)
I’m in the gym and I feel the heavy presence of God, I know it’s school hours and kids are in class. One by one kids walk by the gym ( I’m now outside looking at the gym) and they can’t help but go inside. The same thing happens to each one ( as they come wandering in like they’re supposed to) they cry, yell in repentance and begin praying to God!! It gets to the point where people in classes hear them and come, see it, go in and the same thing happens to them! Then teachers walk in the gym upset at the disturbance, once inside they repent and the SAME thing happens to them!!! I am AMAZED at this, but wonder if anyone is missing out or doesn’t know. So I go to the cafeteria courtyard to find rebellious kids out there doing bad things. As I look closer I see they have demons attatched to them, the kids die one by one and fall to the floor, as I pray for them… After they die the demons wander until they come to an exit and I realized (something like my eyes being opened from blindness) there are HUGE ANGELS AT EVERY EXIT! Each one with a sword or axe, killing the demons as they try to get out! I glance back and the dead kids are getting up and going to the gym! I head into the gym thinking… this room is way too bright! ( not like I remember earlier) it even looks different than light I’ve ever seen before… almost more real.
God give us visions, give us dreams, give us prophecy!!!
The next vision will be posted as part 2 on another blog, love you guys!! 

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